Hey its me, Artan Sheqeri
I want to start very briefly by saying that me and motorcycles are friends that go way back.
As a matter of fact, we’re one. Without it, I wouldn’t be Tani, I would be somebody else.
It gives my life purpose, it made me go into the depth and heart of nature, into the soul of society and to explore how wonderful it Is to go from the highest points to the most hidden virgin parts of nature, another dimension that outside this passion seems almost invisible, places that the ordinary eye can’t see or better said, can’t appreciate.
To be at this stage that I’m at, it’s a long and relatively hard road that only the desire for adventure is what leads you and keeps you going. Fortunately, today I have the chance and opportunity to share this experience with anybody that wants to understand life after riding a motorcycle, something that I’ve injected in my DNA now.
One of my biggest goals has been to introduce people to these special feelings, to change their lives positively through a simple impulse and positive energy that this work of art called HD has to offer. Through HD I was able to truly understand the meaning of enjoying life, to understand the world and the people, even those closest to me. My life was forever changed as soon as I first started riding and I want everybody to feel the same way, making people experience this is what truly makes me happy and their gratitude gives me so much energy.
While taking a look at this map, we can clearly see all the places we have been and explored with our dearest friends in a period of 30 years. What sticks out as the best memories is how different characters experience this, how they get close and go through the tough parts but in the end fall completely in love with life as a biker where the whole point of it is friendship, peace, adventure, nature and love. I think most people are able to understand what I’m trying to say but to those who don’t, I invite you to come with us at least once in one of our Chopper House road trips whether it’s a mini-tour or a personalized one, you’ll see that what I’ve described, doesn’t even come close to the true emotions and feelings you’ll experience. As for me, I will keep smiling with so much joy in my heart, knowing that one more person entered my world, the world of love and freedom.
Jam une Artan Sheqeri
Sa me shkurt dhe pa modesti, une motori jemi 2 shoke qe kur smbahet mend. Ose me sakte jemi 1. Pa te une sdo isha Tani por dikush tjeter. Ai eshte qe i jep kuptim jetes qe me ka bere te futem ne zemer te natyres ne shpirt te shoqerise e te zbuloj se sa e bukur eshte te rendesh nga majat me te larta ne skutat me te virgjera e te shohesh nje dimension tjeter qe jashte ketij pasioni, eshte i padukshem por qe ne te vertete eshte gjithcka, eshte vete jeta.
Per te ardhur deri ktu eshte nje rruge e gjate relativisht dhe e veshtire ku shpirti i aventures eshte ai qe na udheheq e qe flen brenda nesh.
Sot padiskutim qe experiencen time kam knaqesine ta ndaj me kedo qe do kuptoje thelbin e domethenien e asaj qe fshihet pas nje rendje me motor dhe qe un e kam futur ne ADN time. Nje nga sfidat e mia personale sot eshte qe ti afroj njerezve kete ndjesi speciale, te ndryshoj pozitivisht jetet e tyre nepermjet nje impulsi te thjeshte dhe nje energjie pozitive qe prodhon ky veper arti qe quhet Harley Davidson.
Nepermjet tij un arrita te shijoj e te zbuloj thelbin e knaqesise, te njoh boten e njerezit perfshi dhe miqte e mi me te afert. Qe diten qe un zbulova kete pasion qe ate dite une dhe bota rreth meje ndryshoi bashke me njerzit qe me rrethonin. Pikerisht kete dua ti afroj njerezve dhe knaqesia e tyre eshte qellimi im ne vetevete dhe nuk do ta fsheh qe falenderimi i tyre me mbush edhe me shume energji. Nepermjet nje pershkrimi ne map mund te shikojne qarte se ku kemi qene me miq e dashamires ne nje periudhe pothuaj 30 vjecare ku na ngelin ne memorie se si karaktereve te ndryshme njerzore pershtaten afrohen, vuajne e ne fund dashurohem perjete me stilin e jetes si nje biker specially HD ku ne qender te filozofise qendron miqsia, paqja, aventura natyra dashuria.
Shume besoj e kuptojne c’dua te them e ato qe e kane te veshtire te kuptojne i ftoj te vijne qofte dhe njehere te vetme ne nje rrugetim te organizuar nga une Chopper House te zgjedhin nje minitour ose te bejne nje tour te personalizuar e do te shikojne qe shume shpejt qe ato qe une kam shprehur jane sh pak ne raport me cfare do te perjetojne e une do vazhdoj te buzqesh me endje e me knaqesine qe me vjen nga shpirti duke menduar qe nje tjeter njeri hyri ne boten time, ne boten e dashurise.